Pls sex my two 6 inch T blondi's M or F?

Pls sex my two 6 inch T blondi's M or F?

just got them today. i just hope one is female. thanks in advance guys/girls.
The one on the left looks female to me, the one on the right is a bit more difficult to tell because of the picture. With the T. Blondi the fusillae are all the same color so it helps to get a good close up to distinguish them. But if I were to take a guess I'd say the one on the right was male, but don't hold me to it.
austin and the other T experts out there. If its not to much trouble, can you tell me how to distingush males from females of this species? There are three more Blondis in the shop that i will buy if they are indeed females (is it the black part in the fusillae? thanks again

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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