Phlogius Stents “Gremlin”

Phlogius Stents “Gremlin”

Didn’t realise that Arachnoboards was back up but I am so happy that it is! So much to update on here.

My P Stents “Gremlin” moulted for the second time this year and she’s a confirmed female. Gaining lots of size as well. How exciting!!
@Oompoofishy other than a seemingly immortal mold outbreak, everything is doing good. My Rubiseta female laid her sac, and now I have lots of tiny white puffballs crawling around in a container lol. Also got an eggsac from a banded tube spider that @Rhino1 gave to me, and I'm 90% sure my A.Nambucca girl has laid a sac as well and 50% sure my M.Bradleyi girl is currently laying a sac. Lots of little bits and bobs happening
@RezonantVoid That's freakin awesome!! Would you please let me know when you're ready to send the A Nambucca and M Bradleyi (Have always wanted mouse spiders!!!) slings out? I would be interested to have some in my collection.
@Oompoofishy I can absolutely do that. Still unsure about the Bradleyi though, the male and female were together for 3 weeks before I found him again and seperated them, and after a 4 month fasting period she returned to the surface twice her original abdomen size. Now she's gone back under and sealed off her burrows, but her small size has me second guessing. We'll see how it goes

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