Megaphobema mesomelas
The Spider House

Megaphobema mesomelas

Recently moulted AF
Shame my MM no longer of this earth

Anyone in the UK with a male?
males seem to be really hard to come by, i know someone who still has 3 females but all eggsacks didnt make it in the end despite reaching EWL.

Pairing seem to fail most of the time with only occasional successes so there is barely any males left.
males seem to be really hard to come by, i know someone who still has 3 females but all eggsacks didnt make it in the end despite reaching EWL.

Pairing seem to fail most of the time with only occasional successes so there is barely any males left.
Agree, I managed to get a sac from her but she ate it after 3 days. Paired her again but now moulted so back to square one
She was receptive both times which is good, but yeah, finding any of these is hard enough! Ironically, the male I had was supposed to be female but wasn't. Luckily I managed to find this one though.
Well, in a couple of years, when my female Pamphobeteus Platyomma reaches her full potential (she is now 8/9 years old) I am willing to exchange one for the other for a spiderling from M.Mesomelas.. Regards...
Are you laughing?, hahahaha 👌🏻..A virgin Pamphobeteus Platyomma at 11/12 years old is not feasible?..I think that well cared for, it has more than 5 years of productivity left, right?!..A hug. ..
Laughing as there are apperas to be a few points missed...
1. You are not in the UK like I am
2. I mentioned that my MM is no longer of this earth (i.e. dead)
3. My female laid a sac but ate it after 3 days
4. I don't have a male

Add all those together and there is zero chance of an exchange regardless of how productive you girl may or may not be.

Hope that helps with the context for the emoji used 🙂
I wasn't going to answer you but I thought better of it... My little spider has come by road vehicle and by plane from the Eastern countries and, although it doesn't matter, I have been an international 40t truck driver. 15 years. and I assure you that England is throwing a stone from the south of Spain, ha!.. Greetings...

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Date taken
Sat, 12 August 2023 1:01 PM
1079px x 1438px

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