

C. cyaneopubescens, hoping to get some guesses on this little buddy :) tysm
Vent-sexing is done by checking the epigastric furrow (the little slit between the forward set of book lungs). In females, the furrow will usually be wider and bulge out some, but most importantly it will be lacking epiandrous fusillae - the patch of specialized setae that males have which are used for making sperm webs. Compare these which are both males to what yours looks like and you can see the epiandrous fusillae fairly easily.
Vent-sexing is done by checking the epigastric furrow (the little slit between the forward set of book lungs). In females, the furrow will usually be wider and bulge out some, but most importantly it will be lacking epiandrous fusillae - the patch of specialized setae that males have which are used for making sperm webs. Compare these which are both males to what yours looks like and you can see the epiandrous fusillae fairly easily.
Thank you SO much! I can see it now with a solid comparison. Thank you!

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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