ID ideas?
Kat Maehl

ID ideas?

Found in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Has hooks, has mated and is well tempered. Held him four times now.
@Moakmeister that made me laugh so hard the way you stated that. But you are right, if there is a sac it should be put in the fridge. My lovey wants to use that for his signature lol.
SO you mated 2 Ts that you don't know the species of? That's a stupid thing to do.

WHY do people do this????????????????????????
Aren't you all overreacting a bit? From what I gathered, they were both found on almost the same spot, so chances are they would have found each other and mated anyway. So even if they were to produce a hybrid, it would be a naturally occurring one. I doubt you would then proceed to encourage people to actively search for and murder the offspring in nature just because they weren't pure, so following this logic, just because somebody captured them and decided to observe "the unholy act" in captivity doesn't mean the offspring should be killed either, no? That is rather unsavoury of you to suggest otherwise!

Nature has a way of keeping things natural, which is why separate species exits all over the world. And just because they were 50 yards apart is no guarantee they are the same species..its costa rica...there is more than one species there.

Breeding 2 ts, of which you are not sure on the identity is irresponsible...there is no other word to describe the action and people are most certainly not over reacting.

Add on this persons F U, I will do what I want attitude portrayed in the corresponding thread and I don't think this person has done a single thing to earn an ounce of respect from anyone in the hobby...quite the opposite.

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Tarantula Identification
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Kat Maehl
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