Grammostola rosea.
So just to be clear, coz whenever I post my 'rosea' (the non RCF form) I get bombarded with comments saying now porteri, so in simple terms is the pink carapace and slightly redder hairs still the rosea then?
So just to be clear, coz whenever I post my 'rosea' (the non RCF form) I get bombarded with comments saying now porteri, so in simple terms is the pink carapace and slightly redder hairs still the rosea then?
Actually, the "porteri" ones were first introduced in pet trade as G. rosea. Years later, the red ones entered and then they were named G. rosea NCF and RCF to separate both.
Then someone, someday, decided that the NCF ones were all porteri, after all, they were all from Chile too, lol, and because this guy was a reliable seller, everyone bought his idea and G. rosea NCF became G. porteri.

Now, about this article, I'm not sure if they analysed the NCF ones, actually, I think they didnt. They compared the RCF neotypes with porteri holotype and synonymized them.

The NCF ones in the hobby might be rosea, or another Grammostola but based on this work, we can say for sure they are not porteri, at least for now. Lol.
Actually, the "porteri" ones were first introduced in pet trade as G. rosea. Years later, the red ones entered and then they were named G. rosea NCF and RCF to separate both.
Then someone, someday, decided that the NCF ones were all porteri, after all, they were all from Chile too, lol, and because this guy was a reliable seller, everyone bought his idea and G. rosea NCF became G. porteri.

Now, about this article, I'm not sure if they analysed the NCF ones, actually, I think they didnt. They compared the RCF neotypes with porteri holotype and synonymized them.

The NCF ones in the hobby might be rosea, or another Grammostola but based on this work, we can say for sure they are not porteri, at least for now. Lol.
Thank you.

"Grammostola sp." They will all get labelled as then 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you.

"Grammostola sp." They will all get labelled as then 🤣🤣🤣
I always called them G. rosea (NCF), it was well-known that the described G. porteri could be a synonym os even a "phantom" species so, G. porteri was a "hobby labeled" issue.

I'll keep that way, at least now, no one will say the classic "this is not rosea, it is porteri", anymore. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I always called them G. rosea (NCF), it was well-known that the described G. porteri could be a synonym os even a "phantom" species so, G. porteri was a "hobby labeled" issue.

I'll keep that way, at least now, no one will say the classic "this is not rosea, it is porteri", anymore. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I still have mine as G rosea, G porteri and G rosea (RCF) so I am with you 100%

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