Gr.pulchripes? [1/2]
@aphono mentioned this might not be a pulchripes because of the blueish look? What would you guys say? Bought the sling from a terrarium store in my town and the owner of the shop has quite some years of experience
@cold blood Do you see a blue tint on it? I never noticed that on mine, either in person or pics? It's also the prominent leg joints around the carapace- not so prominent on pulchripes..? It looked more like a species that's bluish with gold knees.. cannot remember the name of..
I don't think my pulchripes ever looked like that. She was always brown, and even in the late stages of premolt, I thought her gold knees were more obvious
@Aestas That looks much better, and much more like a G. pulchripes. Mine looks like that even when I have a light on her, so I don't know why yours looked so different in the initial pic

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