

Acanthoscurria geniculata, sexing help? I’m leaning female. About 4” dls.
And All Hail right backatcha.
It's OK took me ages to pic up venting and the all hail is for your geniculata 😊 there are a bunch of us here that adore geniculata and everytime we see one all hail 🙌 is the greeting we choose 😊 it's like a club within the club lol sorry I forget sometimes ppl don't know about the geniculata club 😊 hi n welcome you automatically join as you have a genic 😁
It's OK took me ages to pic up venting and the all hail is for your geniculata 😊 there are a bunch of us here that adore geniculata and everytime we see one all hail 🙌 is the greeting we choose 😊 it's like a club within the club lol sorry I forget sometimes ppl don't know about the geniculata club 😊 hi n welcome you automatically join as you have a genic 😁
Ahhhahahahahaha!!!! I will happily take it. I listen to Last Podcast on the Left and they say “Hail yourself!” Quite a bit - so I was wondering if it was some sort of inside thing I was missing. I will happily accept new club membership. I freaking love this weirdo and the species in general. Hail indeed!
Ahhhahahahahaha!!!! I will happily take it. I listen to Last Podcast on the Left and they say “Hail yourself!” Quite a bit - so I was wondering if it was some sort of inside thing I was missing. I will happily accept new club membership. I freaking love this weirdo and the species in general. Hail indeed!
Tbh @vicareux started it idk if he is even on ab any more but we carry it on regardless, it's A geniculata how could we not 😆. They are definitely special spoods 🖤🤍🖤

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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