Euthycaleus norae

Euthycaleus norae

Subadult male
Is it just out on it's own, or did you just do a rehouse? My E. colonica considers itself to be a trap-door spider and will only stick its legs out of the burrow far enough to grab prey and drag it under...
Thanks! I normally wouldn’t do that and of course I was very careful. I have been unable to find a single picture of this species online and I needed to sex it so I can try to make breeding plans. It’s been difficult to find anyone who keeps this species, but this one was blatantly male and I only have this one
I'm 99% certain mine is female, but I'm less certain it's actually E. colonica. She looks very similar to your guy there, but I'll have to wait for a molt to examine the spermathecae.

Keep me posted! I haven’t kept colonica but I got buddies who have bred them extensively. I bought this one because I had never heard of it, I believe it was in a 2021 import but I haven’t yet been able to track down anyone else who got one yet

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