Nhandu Tripepii
@Halifax At that size I'd expect the legs and abdomen to be a bit darker... Did you get it from a reputable seller? Might be something you want to keep an eye on as it grows. Regardless, nice little sling.
@Halifax Pretty sure it is. I don't recall exactly how big my smaller N. chromatus was when I received him, I think it was about 1.5-1.75" and he already had the black legs and red abdomen. If it doesn't darken significantly by the next molt it's probably safe to say it's tripepii. Care for tripepii is the same as chromatus, they just look wildly different as adults.
@Arachnophoric thanks for heads up sent email out to seller about it,I do really enjoy the little dude.I will still be getting a Cromatus at some point if it turns out not to be one.
@Halifax both are awesome species, I keep both of them and they're among my favorite NW terrestrials. Who knows, maybe it will color up after another molt and turn out to be chromatus! Hard to find pictures of chromatus at that size for reference.

Here's my N. tripepii when she was 1", vs my chromatus when she was about 2" iirc.
@Halifax Currently own just over 50 different species, but a recent egg sac put me at nearly 200 individual specimens. :rofl: I have a full listing of the different Ts I keep in the information tab of my profile, if you care to take a look.

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