My first tarantula! Meet Athena

My first tarantula! Meet Athena

New to the hobby, and I've seen a lot of discussion around B. albopilosum "Hobby form" and "Pure" form. Was wondering if anyone could tell me which one my specimen is.
So so docile. Even when I stress her out the most, I've never once gotten a threat posture or hairs kicked at me.

There's no hobby form vs. pure form, but B. albopilosum Honduran or Nicaraguan form.
And yours is the one from Nicaragua. :) It's the fluffier one. This is how the Honduran form looks like:

And this is my juvie B. albo from Nicaragua:
@Thekla I can see the differences between the fluffiness, haha. Here's a better picture. If mine is the Nicaraguan one, should I expect the carapace to become more copper colored like yours or is that just an individual color form? Mine is a juvenile as well so just wondering.
I can see the differences between the fluffiness, haha. Here's a better picture. If mine is the Nicaraguan one, should I expect the carapace to become more copper colored like yours or is that just an individual color form? Mine is a juvenile as well so just wondering.
Sorry, I can't seem to get the image to link properly, please let me know if this one works:
Mine is definitely younger than yours, and she had just moulted when I took the picture, that's why she looks a bit copper-y. ;) Yours won't get this colouration anymore. Her colours might get a bit dull before moulting, but other than that she'll keep the dark blackish carapace. :)
I see I see. I love it. Is yours as voracious as mine when eating? She just keeps on waiting for crickets. And she's super docile all the time. She puts up with a lot of nonsense and I've never seen a threat posture thrown or hairs kicked.

Here is a better picture of her: :D

You can see the carapace much better here.

Still trying to confirm her sex. She might be a he. I don't know yet. Gonna have to wait for some cage climbing for an abdomen pic, haha.

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Tarantula Identification
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Apple iPhone XS Max
Focal length
4.3 mm
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Off, did not fire
File size
2 MB
Date taken
Tue, 30 July 2019 7:16 PM
4032px x 3024px

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