Chilobrachys sp. "Electric Blue"
If I had to choose between a girlfriend and Chilobrachys Sp. Electric Blue I would choose the Chilobrachys Sp. Electric blue anyday.
I want to take this to the print shop up the road and have a Movie sized poster made of this pic. This is amazing. I can tell youre a photographer at heart as well as a spider keeper. One question though. When they say the Genus then sp. for Species why do they do that? Like you don't know the species name of the Electric Blue? Am I understanding it right? Like with my spider. I got it from someone and it has pink toes. So technically it could be 1 of the many pink toed T's.. I could write Avicularia sp. "Pink Toe T"? I know i have an Avic avic though so i won't, im just trying to grasp the sp thing
@Serafeimink Thanks for the love man, glad you like it.

If you see "sp.", long story short, ultimately means we don't know just yet... could match existing described species or new species. Eitherway, they'll always name it something that may sell better. :rofl:

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