4" Pamphobeteus platyomma [molt sexing] [1/3]

4" Pamphobeteus platyomma [molt sexing] [1/3]

I have no idea how to spread out a moot properly for sexing
It's the other side around. And after you flip it, spread the abdomen part out and look between the top pair of book lungs (the white part on the abdomen). If there's a flap, then it's a female and if there isn't anything it's a male. Try posting a picture again correctly and we can help you sex it. ;)
Also what is the species and size. i *think* i see a little dark circle on the ventral side so i thinknit might be male, but it could also be lighting or something
@Theneil sorry species it's a plattyomma I believe a pink bloom bird eating tarantula I'm awful with the scientific name on this one
@kingles024 Whenever you request sexing, it is helpful to include both the species and the size in the title, caption, or comments.

I posted some tips for working with the molt along with illustrations of the area where you want to focus the camera here.

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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