

I just buy this girl.... and..... O_O

Scolopendra dehaani
@Kimora Keep them of course! There is some evidence to support that certain Scolopendra undergo parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. If you were to raise up the young from a female who produced eggs from an unconfirmed mating, kept them separate their whole lives, and one of those females also produced young, that would be strong evidence in support of parthenogenesis. I have a dehaani who has also produced eggs without being paired (she ate them). Like it was previously suggested, do NOT disturb her or she will eat them. I'd go as far as covering the enclosure in a blackout material and not looking at it for a month or two. Congratulations nonetheless!
Well there you go, out of death comes life! I don't know of any evidence of parthenogenesis in Scolopendra. They can store sperm for a very long time and produce multiple clutches from a single mating (@Salvador's Java subspinipes is on its 3rd clutch this year!)
The disturbance thing is important - she will eat the eggs. If you shine a light on her only do it for a few seconds, and minimise movement.
It can take more or less than 30 days, I'm not sure what it is for this species, and depends on temperature. They hatch into nymphs and are still cuddled by the mother, then moult a week to ten days later, and are able to feed, at which point most people remove the mother. You can feed them liver, heart or prekilled crickets at this time. Check that they can't escape through ventilation holes, you may need to place the tub in a larger tray.
Once they have fed a couple of times, it is time to separate them. You can search this forum for spiderling supplies in your area your area to get a load of containers, or collect every humus tub you can get your hands on, or find a supply of deli cups.
@Scoly thank you so much again for your so informative reply!:)

And I’ve actually a lot of container (cup sauce) for my T’s breeding hihi :)

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Date taken
Sun, 27 January 2019 5:46 PM
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