Poecilotheria id

Poecilotheria id

I'm not sure anyone will be able to tell with a dorsal shot on a juvenile Poeci. I do believe you're going to want to try and get a clear ventral shot if you want an accurate ID.

Looks like it could be regalis. Where did you get it?

Edit - you added no cream band so maybe not.
I did purchase it as a regalis, through a local Facebook group (someone getting rid of them for a snake) so i doubted ID, and then saw no cream band. Let me edit the picture and see if you can tell
I can't really recall since I got my regalis on the larger end of the juvie stage and don't have any pictures to look back on, but IIRC the band is not obvious on sling and juvenile regalis until they get more size on them. That combined with the opaque sides of the container leads me to believe you still may have regalis.
I am currently in the process of rehousing it soon since that was more so just the container iticame in. I'm moving it into a little exo Terra so hopefully soon I'll have a better picture
@Heidib "I'm moving it into a little exo Terra so hopefully soon I'll have a better picture"
That's not such a good idea. An Exoterra is much too large for a sling that small. You will have problems feeding it. There's a pretty high risk it might not make it in there. (too scared to venture out and hunt, not finding food) The enclosure it is in looks absolutely perfect, much better than your Exo Terra idea... Remember these slings will want to burrow, they only become arboreal when they grow up.

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