Please id, sold as a Chilean Copper, but is not!

Please id, sold as a Chilean Copper, but is not!

Maybe Sericopelma rubronitens?

this is never a Paraphysa or Grammostola.

yes, there are some typical things for Sericopelma spp.

but i´m afraid, only with picture´s you can not say this is S. rubronitens, S. commune or maybe S. sp. Sabanilla.

ive just bought one that looks just like this... it was sold as a red rump but doubt that some how, mines got exactly the same markings and colors
dannybear said:
ive just bought one that looks just like this... it was sold as a red rump but doubt that some how, mines got exactly the same markings and colors
Just a couple weeks ago a friend of mine had a B.vagans that looks absolutely identical to that, and she molted out beautiful and jet black with red setae! I'm thinking that you'll have to wait for her to molt out to be 100% on the identification.

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