Brachypelma molt
My gorgeous B. hamorii just molted today! I saw him chew the molt a bit but it turns out it was the dorsal section rather than the important part. Are those the male interior sex organs developing (and what is the term)?
That's a female. The word that your looking for is male accessory organs. Brachypelma and Grammostola genus tends to show the flap a little later than most other genus of T.'s IME.
@Liquifin @KezyGLA Really???!!!
I had been “certain” for the past year or more that my Diva was male! I was thinking that structure looked rather like a spermatheca but thought I must be mistaken!

And thank you for the info, @Liquifin! :) So it is the male accessory organs that produce the sperm?
She matured in two to three years (I got her as about third instar in March 2016). Is that fast for a female of this species? And what is considered usual size for an adult female? I am wondering if she is smaller from “power feeding” although that was not my intent — I generally feed my growing T’s once or twice as long as their interested and it does get quite warm here a good portion of the year.

In any case, I do love her vivid colors and am happy that I’ll get to keep my first T for a long time to come! :happy: I chose this species because I’d wanted one since I was a kid and thought they were a “handleable” T with a calm temperament! :rofl::rolleyes: She’s definitely one of my feistier T’s — even my old world T’s would rather hide but not my Diva! Well, I have grown in my understanding of these wonderful creatures and am quite content to never handle most of my T’s and the rest only rarely!

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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