whats this???

whats this???

not quite sure what this is, had it about a year now, first time i've seen it since i got it as i re-housed it the other day. was given to me by a friend and he wasnt sure what it was either.

any help would be appreciated :)
To me it looks like a Haplopelma of some sort. Maybe a lividum or a schmidti? That's my best guess. Beautiful t though :0)
if it helps, it's still only small, about an inch long maybe? I've never had a Haplopelma species before and will be quite excited if it is :p If anyone can give me some info on this species (whatever it is) then please feel free to message me and that yeah?

Pretty sure it's a Haplopelma sp., but you'll have to wait until it grows a bit to get an idea of the species.
Pretty sure it's a Haplopelma sp., but you'll have to wait until it grows a bit to get an idea of the species.
it is not a lividum so please get that out of your system. i think that a schmidti or a huwenum is a very suitable idea hope this helps ;)
i agree that it is not a lividum...my best guess would be H. schmidti....of course not 100% sure on that

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