A. avicularia M/F? 3" molt
Krystal Anne

A. avicularia M/F? 3" molt

I keep having trouble with this one. I think it kind of has the female "look" but I can't really feel a flap. Not sure if it has ripped or Silas is simply male. This is only my 4th molt from any of my T's and I'm not very experienced. What do you think? Thanks in advance!
I'm thinking female. Avics don't have a single flap, but rather two antenna-like flaps. I think I see small immature spermathecae. I only have pictures of mature, fully developed A. avicularia spermathecae, but this is what you'd be looking for. Just less dark and probably less developed, as yours would be an immature female
@PidderPeets Thank you! That's honestly really helpful.

@KezyGLA Thanks! I trust your knowledge lol, but just wondering how can you tell if the "antennae-like flaps" aren't showing? Do males' look much different? Hoping to know for future reference.

Much thanks :)

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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Krystal Anne
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