Which Sun Tiger is it?

Which Sun Tiger is it?

Sold to me as a Venezuelan Sun Tiger, but I'm not so sure. I just want to be sure what it is.
Looks like a Venezuelan (Psalmopoeus irminia) to me. I have quite a few adults and they all look like yours.
definetely not. it looks way more like a Davus fasciatus. P irminia is very off. that specimen doesn't even look arboreal
C. fasciatum. I believe the species name has changed a bit over the past years. But you have what is being called "costa rican tiger rump".
Yeah you got fooled,that is deffinently a Cyclosternum Fasciatum.Hope you didn't pay a Suntiger price.
oooh lol but you still get the point :p cyclosternum fasciatum is a nice T but yeah i think you paid too much. you pay in holland for Psalmopoeus species for like 50 dollars :p
hey just for a visual here are a few P.irminia pics. I dont remember where i got the pics from. It might have even been on this sight so much respect to the owners. The sling pic is one of my 3.



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