A. Avicularia Epignyum

A. Avicularia Epignyum

So my A. Avic recently moulted after many months of patiently waiting. I have been wanting to know its gender for a while, and so I tried to cut open the moult and examine it myself, but Im still really new at this and I don't think I can confidently determine it myself. What do you say?
It's a little too blurry to say with 100% certainty, but I am going with female. How big is she?
@VanessaS I have another picture from the opposite angle if that helps. Also I don't have the exact measurements but I can say she (obviously) is a lot bigger than before lol. I also have a picture of her next to the moult.
I fooled around a bit with it in Lightroom and I'm saying female. The reason that I asked what size she is, is because males are often significantly smaller when they mature. If she is close to 5", and not a mature male, then chances are that she is female. Judging by the overall look of the exuvia, she looks on the larger side. Not having anything to scale it to, it is difficult to be sure.

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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