Blue tarantulas

Blue tarantulas


Row 1 (left to right) - Avicularia avicularia, Thrixopelma cyaneolum, Caribena veriscolor (sling?), Xenesthis sp. blue, no idea
Row 2 (left to right) - No idea, no idea, no idea, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Homoeomma sp. blue
Row 3 (left to right) - Haplopema lividum, Harpactira pulchripes, Holothele sanguiceps (???), Holothele sp "Norte de Santander (???) Holothele sericea
Row 4 (left to right) - Lampropelma violaceopes, Monocentropus balfouri, another GBB? LOL, no idea, no idea
Row 5 (left to right) - Pterinopelma sazimai, Poecilotheria metallica, Psednocnemis brachyramosa, Pseudhapalopus sp. "blue", Thrigmopoeus psychedelicus

Cannot identify the rest because they look the same LMAO
you sure about the homoemma sp blue? it looks like an A. seemani BCF to me, but i could be wrong...
Could you verify the list @Philth ? Please and Thank you =)
The difference in blue between the sazimai and cynaeolum looks vast. Q_Q I hope someone accidentally mislabels cyaneolum as a seemani. LOL
@efmp1987 On the 5th row 3rd over looks like Dolichothele diamantinensis. I'd like to know what the last one on the 1st row is, looks really pretty.
And Row 2, second one looks like Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam Blue.

I'm no expert though so I dunno 100%.

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