Setup for G. northern type

Setup for G. northern type

Kind of small but Nope doesn't seem to mind so far. Using Eco Earth substrate. I have a 10 gallon terrarium in my shed that I will likely switch to this spring.
I would put a lot more substrate in there to prevent them falling and injuring themselves. When I had my Evelyn, a G.porteri, in a KK of that size - the substrate filled over half of the enclosure.
If they were to stand on their back legs, there should be only an inch or so between their front legs and the top of the enclosure. Injuries from falls, some very severe, are not uncommon with heavy bodied terrestrials.
I am also in the habit of putting substrate on top of their hides. It blends the hide in a little, which I find more attractive, but it also provides a softer landing if they fall on top of it.
@VanessaS , thanks for the advice. I was wondering about substrate thickness. I was also thinking about getting a shorter container so I wouldn't have to pile in so much substrate.
@tAngents That is exactly what I ended up doing. My terrestrials are in far shallower enclosures now. It is just a complete waste of substrate when you have to fill those KK's up with that much when it is just for a buffer for falling. They are far better suited for the fossorial species.
Yeah, I'd do shorter enclosure. The enclosure is the right size, it doesn't need the 10 gallon. :)
Just ordered the medium-sized Faunarium by Exo Terra off Amazon:

Couldn't find anything even similar to it at any of the pet stores by me, even the exotic ones. It's basically the same as the KK by the look of it but much shorter--only 6" in height. If that doesn't work out for some reason I'll just use it for all my feeder roaches and make Nope an enclosure out of one of those flat Sterlite or RubberMaid bins like I've seen people do. Thanks so much again.

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