cold blood


male was a trooper, but was killed...female is currently sitting on a sac.
I have a question do you usually sell/ trade off the slings or do you keep the majority of them I see all the different stuff on people breeding and was just wondering were all the slings go
Good he got to mate her before getting killed. At least he got his job done properly <3
Nice one. <3:)
@Jerry , depends on the species, size of the sac and popularity of the species. I sell most locally to be honest, but its the most time consuming way to sell.
OK I was just thinking if all the people I seen talking about breeding were only doing so to boost their own collection that would be some enormous collections lol
I, and most breeders, are always willing to make trades for new species. Its a great way to turn what you have in abundance, into the many different species you desire to own at basically no cost......Males are great for trading as well!....and yeah, breeders generally have pretty significant collections as a result.

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cold blood
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