Grammostola Aureostriata

Grammostola Aureostriata

Just trying to get the sex of my T. I think it's old enough now, this molt made it about 4.5-5 inches. I'm leaning toward female, let's hope I'm right, :)
Turn the molt over and open it up. You're looking for the area in between the booklungs (the white things).
becca81 said:
Turn the molt over and open it up. You're looking for the area in between the booklungs (the white things).
I'm sorry, I am just sexing dumb, lol. I have looked at other peoples molts for a year now, and have yet to understand it, here is another picture from the other side if you could still help me out. Sorry for the quality, it was really wrinkled up, and this is the best i could stretch it

well, as i was looking, it ripped, so unless someone else can tell me what they think it is, i guess i wait til the next molt, :(

In order to be able to stretch out your moult properly, you need to let it moisten up a bit.
A good but quick way to do so is to spritz it lightly with water a couple of times.
After that, you should be able to manipulate it the way you need it. :)
Good luck! :D

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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