small unknown MM

small unknown MM

I acquired this lil guy in trade The abdomen striping kind of reminds me of Haplopelma sp...
LS is 3.5", spinerettes are black w/ lateral stripes. He is freshly hooked out and webbing everywhere.
The star pattern on carapace is more of a metallic-gold than shows in the pic. Underside is dark and no hint of any color on femurs.
Ran through a lot of pics, eliminating Haplo. I have a better guess now, Holothele incei?
Thanks! Timo suggested that it's P. chordatus, and that Harpactira sp. is very unlikely due to rarity. It was originally sold to a fellow as a P. cancerides spiderling by an importer, so it is possible.
I don't plan on working with either genus, so he'll remain a virgin in my care till he passes someday.

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