pederseni male or regalis male?

pederseni male or regalis male?

no one can let me know in real life he has some yellow but doesnt look like either mm of each i have seen so any help
Without ventral pics to confirm, I'd put my money on a female P. pederseni.
judging by one of the links i wanna say rufilata.... if helps or makes a defference when i shine light on her the hair on her is like a redish color and on her carapice by her pattern is a like purple shimmer?
idk just always assume male and molted 2 times in past 6 months? seems kinda maleish to me? but idk nothing about pokies tbh
it is definitely NOT rufilata. I will bet my entire collection on it.

As for regalis, im assuming not also. Remember what i said on the phone... ALL regalis (both male and female) have the cream belly band (like your marshalli) from about 3" on up through adulthood.
They are the ONLY sp. of Poecilotheria that get this belly band.

Post the pictures of the leg banding we just discussed and all will be settled.

I agree it is also looking female btw.
between the significant lightening of the folio in this last molt, and the overall female coloration i would place my bet on a girl

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