T. Blondi?

T. Blondi?

Since its molted, its grown redish hairs on its back, is this normal in T. Blondi's?
This is definately a T. blondi. I have to strongly disagree with the prior post. Ive kept a few T. blondis in my time. And yes, the reddish hairs are typical. As the spider takes on its more brownish color, the hairs become less noticeable. Great looking spider you have there, by the way! :)
Latrotoxin said:
This is definately a T. blondi. I have to strongly disagree with the prior post. Ive kept a few T. blondis in my time. And yes, the reddish hairs are typical. As the spider takes on its more brownish color, the hairs become less noticeable. Great looking spider you have there, by the way! :)
How long does it typically take to regain color. I have the same thing.
Looks like a T.stirmi to me. All the true T. blondi's ive seen are hairy from the tip of the leg all the way up to the carapace. Looks like the hair on this one stops about halfways. could be the light though.

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