P. auratus, M or F?

P. auratus, M or F?

Phormictopus auratus, ~4.5” DLS. I’m almost certain he’s male but I’m terrible at ventral sexing and haven’t gotten a sexable molt from him. Curious what other people’s thoughts are.
Female. Very little doubt about it.
Aaaand this is why I said I’m awful at ventral sexing. I thought that line around the epigastric furrow was the fusillae? I’m guessing at this size, the fusillae would look very different, huh?
Aaaand this is why I said I’m awful at ventral sexing. I thought that line around the epigastric furrow was the fusillae? I’m guessing at this size, the fusillae would look very different, huh?
Yep, the epiandrous fusillae would appear as a thicker patch of setae grouped in a semi-circular pattern on the center of the anterior lip of the epigastric furrow, rather than spread out along the edge of it. This one also has a very noticeably bulging lip on the epigastric furrow, which usually indicates that there's female reproductive organs underneath making it bulge out.

Not impossible that it's male, so of course confirm with a molt, but it would be surprising if it's not female.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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