

Young G. Pulcripes...Female?
Maybe female. Pic is a little too blurry to say for sure. Looks like it'll molt soon, so grab the exuvia and post pics of it if you need help.
Maybe female. Pic is a little too blurry to say for sure. Looks like it'll molt soon, so grab the exuvia and post pics of it if you need help.
I definitely see a little slit there. It is hard to get a good picture through acrylic and Ruxpin hates the camera flash. I have never sexed a molt. I know what to look for, but I would appreciate your help after the molt. Would a better pic help or is it better just to wait? That little booty is so chubby!
I definitely see a little slit there. It is hard to get a good picture through acrylic and Ruxpin hates the camera flash. I have never sexed a molt. I know what to look for, but I would appreciate your help after the molt. Would a better pic help or is it better just to wait? That little booty is so chubby!
I think it's very possibly female, but I'd just wait for the molt - trying to sex ventrally shortly before and after a molt is difficult. I'll definitely be glad to help once it does molt!
I think it's very possibly female, but I'd just wait for the molt - trying to sex ventrally shortly before and after a molt is difficult. I'll definitely be glad to help once it does molt!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. This little bugger it is my most out in the open and curious. Such a sweetheart. I will reach out after the molt. Have an amazing weekend!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. This little bugger it is my most out in the open and curious. Such a sweetheart. I will reach out after the molt. Have an amazing weekend!
Molt destroyed guess I will have to catch the next one lol.
I think it's very possibly female, but I'd just wait for the molt - trying to sex ventrally shortly before and after a molt is difficult. I'll definitely be glad to help once it does molt!
Molt destroyed will have to catch the next one lol

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Image metadata

Apple iPhone 6
Focal length
4.2 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
726.5 KB
Date taken
Sat, 05 November 2022 11:49 AM
1978px x 1483px

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