Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
That's one of the most beautiful species I've ever seen. Unfortunately my adult female died not long time ago. They really are stunning!
That's one of the most beautiful species I've ever seen. Unfortunately my adult female died not long time ago. They really are stunning!
So sad to hear about your loss. My sympathies and I hope you come across another.

Thank you, she is really nice and those amber leg markings are adorable.

I had one many years ago (talking 20 years) and had completely forgotten about them as a species until recently. I had ordered some slings to grow on and then luckily @Charliemum found this one on line, tipped me off and she was in the basket straight away. So have her and some slings now 😊
So sad to hear about your loss. My sympathies and I hope you come across another.

Thank you, she is really nice and those amber leg markings are adorable.

I had one many years ago (talking 20 years) and had completely forgotten about them as a species until recently. I had ordered some slings to grow on and then luckily @Charliemum found this one on line, tipped me off and she was in the basket straight away. So have her and some slings now 😊
As soon as I seen her I knew she was yours and she was definitely worth getting she is perfect 🥰 she makes me wish I kept old worlds 😆

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