blondi vs stirmi
The Spider House

blondi vs stirmi

Thought I would share typical adult examples of the blondi and stirmi to help with basic comparisons.
In summary, the stirmi (bottom):
- Lack the hairs on patella (knee joint)
- Have a more 'caramel' colouration compared to the 'chocolate' coloured blondi
- Have a lot less hairs in general.
Great! Thank you!
I have never had the honor to see an adult of either blondi or stirmi and my apophysis is still small. Growing surprisingly quick tho and she is always hungry 🕷
Great! Thank you!
I have never had the honor to see an adult of either blondi or stirmi and my apophysis is still small. Growing surprisingly quick tho and she is always hungry 🕷
Yeah, they are all eating machines. The apophysis always appear to be more 'delicate' especially as slings as they look very leggy right from the get go.

I have also shared pics of AF for all of the Big 3 Theraphosa species in the Tarantula chat as realised the apophysis was being overlooked. LOL

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