

Is this lasiodora Klugi? Sold to me as one but she is not as dark as my LP, only her abdomen is dark. Her pattern on knees is also much noticeable than my LP
Hard to tell. The colouring does look rather grey/subdued but that could be anything. Next moult and colours will probably be a lot better. Possibly Lasiodora difficilis too? But Klugi should be how you reference if the source was reputable until somebody much wiser than I am in this species can ID properly. Sorry, not much help there really. 🙂
Does Lasiodora difficilis have this very dark abdomen and red hairs? The owner said that her last molt is 1 year ago, maybe that's why she is not as dark? She's pretty big too, about 7.5inches, so I don't expect a molt anytime soon.

Here is another picture of her on a natural light, without flash or anything.

Lasiodora klugi, Abdomen setae/hair is much more red than the setae/hair on the legs and carapace fringe. Carapace and femurs look black on these tarantulas, there is also less setae/hair on the black femurs, but lots more setae/hair from the patella/knees down to the tarsi/feet.

Lasiodora difficilis – Fire Red / Brazillian Red Bird-Eater
The biggest giveaway with Lasiodora difficilis is the “ash” colour that covers the carapace. The adomen setae/hair starts red and becomes pink towards the spinnerets. Setae/hair on the rest of the body is all light fluffy pink. The carapace and leg undertones are ash/silver compared to Lasiodora klugi and Lasiodora parahybana. The body in General is not as dark as Lasiodora parahybana or Lasiodora klugi. Much more setae/hair in general and looks more “fluffy/fuzzy”.

That is what I was basing possible difficilis on your first photo.

I ahead coped the text from a site that also has pictures (link below but in case the sharing of websites not allowed at least you have a narrative description)


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