Sold as Avicularia ulrichea

Sold as Avicularia ulrichea

About 1.25’’ dls, always a sight to look at
Ulrichea is a nomen dubium... they are now considered A. juruensis morphotype 1, but ulrichea was originally described out of Brazil (juruensis is found throughout Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil).. based on appearance, there’s no reason to believe it’s not what it was said to be - it has the yellow metatarsal banding, and is non-grizzled (hair is light, long and shaggy looking, not short, dense, dark at the base and white at the tips). It will become more apparently different from juruensis m2 (sp Peru purple, huriana, urticans) once it puts a little bit more size on.
Ulrichea is a nomen dubium... they are now considered A. juruensis morphotype 1, but ulrichea was originally described out of Brazil (juruensis is found throughout Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil).. based on appearance, there’s no reason to believe it’s not what it was said to be - it has the yellow metatarsal banding, and is non-grizzled (hair is light, long and shaggy looking, not short, dense, dark at the base and white at the tips). It will become more apparently different from juruensis m2 (sp Peru purple, huriana, urticans) once it puts a little bit more size on.
Thanks you so much for clarifying all that! I have seen pics on here of A. juruensis and have thought they look extremely similar as slings and now I know why
You’re welcome!! With that being said, even though these are considered juruensis m1, I would still keep the ulrichea label for future breeding purposes. As I had mentioned before, ulrichea was described out of Brazil, and the sp. Pucallpa & aurantiaca (both considered juruensis m1) are from Peru.. the reason they grouped them this way is because morphologically speaking, they’re the same (in regards to spermathacae shape in females & palpal bulb shape in males, setae structure, etc), but what is not known is how genetically different (or similar) they are.. I’m sure if they did DNA analysis of the different avicularia, juruensis, and variegata morphotypes, they’ll find that some are their own species.

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Apple iPhone 8 Plus
Focal length
4.0 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
1.5 MB
Date taken
Thu, 23 July 2020 4:25 AM
1644px x 2192px

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