Chaco Golden knee
We've had this guy ( I just say guy, not sure the gender yet) for couple months now. Very docile so far with only a few hairs kicked. Also tong feeds great! One of my favorites :)
consistent feedings mean little....a t needs time to grow a new exo, that cant be rushed.

Im guessing you just underestimated its size when you got a couple months just 2 molts would be really really fast, and molting is the only time a t go from even 1" to 2.5 would take like 5 molts.
I never said it molted twice. By a couple months I mean 6ish months. Sorry for the misunderstanding I wasn't trying to teach just sharing a picture of a T I'm proud of.
A tarantula doesn't grow if it doesn't molt. Your tarantula can't have grown if it doesn't molt. So either A. it's molting without you noticing B. Someone is playing an elaborate prank on you and replacing your original spider with other, larger spiders C. You are exaggerating.

This species does not grow as fast as you are saying. My Chaco has molted twice in three years and grown just over an inch in that time.
@miss moxie I've seen others agree with me. I don't really see where you can tell me what my T has done? LOL I never stated how many times that this T has molted. I don't know how you care or feed your T's so it's not my place but 2 times in 3 years? Is it an adult?
@knuckles06 You said "I never said it molted twice" so how many times did it molt? Once? None at all?

I am saying that I have a G. pulchripes and in three years she has molted twice.
@knuckles06 Your tarantula isn't a sling. Grammostola is a slow growing genera in general, and it takes G. pulchripes many years to reach maturity. What cold blood was saying is true. It is literally impossible for your tarantula to have gone from .5" to 2.5" in six months.
Few times. Few we've seen and some I know it hid real well. It is an amazing eater. Tong feeds which is something my others still won't do.

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