B. Albopilosum (Nicaraguan)

B. Albopilosum (Nicaraguan)

Nicaraguan B. Albopilosum.
What kind of habitat do you have set up for your b. Albo? Just curious because im getting ready to clean and rehouse, and wanted some ideas to make the enclosure more natural for him.
@Thelema777 I'm just away to get my slings, the photos posted were the parents of the sp. To answer your question, they like dry substrate but keep the water dish full and overflow it quite regularly so that there is a bit of moist substrate, not a lot just some. The rest of the enclosure should be kept dry. Post your question in the discussion forum thread, you'll get more experienced keepers view, but it will be the same, this isn't the place for Q&A.
@mconnachan thank you for the reply! That's what i got goin for him, and he seems pretty content with it. Just wanted to see if there was anything specific i could do to make it more home-y for him when i rehouse him. I know b. Albo's aren't too picky though. Thank you again for the reply. Hope the slings are goin well!

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