Avic avic- "boxing gloves"? (with flash)

Avic avic- "boxing gloves"? (with flash)

Nope. No boxing gloves. Mature male avics actually lose the "pink toes" on their pedipalps (the short, first pair of "legs" closest to their fangs) when they mature. That makes them super easy to identify as mature.

This isn't the best photo, but this was an A. avic M6 (ex metallica) I had when he matured. Of course, not all his pink toes are visible in the pic so it's a bad example, but at least on the pedipalps you can kinda see that he doesn't seem to have pink toes on them at all. That's a clear indicator that he's matured.
Nope. No boxing gloves. Mature male avics actually lose the "pink toes" on their pedipalps (the short, first pair of "legs" closest to their fangs) when they mature. That makes them super easy to identify as mature.

This isn't the best photo, but this was an A. avic M6 (ex metallica) I had when he matured. Of course, not all his pink toes are visible in the pic so it's a bad example, but at least on the pedipalps you can kinda see that he doesn't seem to have pink toes on them at all. That's a clear indicator that he's matured.
Thanks so much for the info!!!!! I'm definitely leaning towards him being a male but happy to hear and see he hasn't matured yet, as I haven't had him for that long. Looking forward to having him for as long as possible :)
No problem. And keep in mind you could still have him for a while, even after he matures. Sure, they don't live as long compared to their female counterparts, but he could still live upwards of a year or so after maturing. And since he's not mature yet, you have even more time than that. :)

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