

Can’t figure this one out
This is an Opilione of some sort, also called Harvestmen. Not sure the exact species.
Thanks for that. Are they poisonous? This thing was a silver dollar size legs and all with very skinny legs, it was right next to a wolf that was twice its size and the wolf ran away, we’ve also got l bananas that drop down Try to land on you when you walk by.
Thanks for that. Are they poisonous? This thing was a silver dollar size legs and all with very skinny legs, it was right next to a wolf that was twice its size and the wolf ran away, we’ve also got l bananas that drop down Try to land on you when you walk by.
They're not venomous, completely harmless. They also don't produce silk, so no webbing. Other than superficially appearing similar to spiders, they are very different arachnids from Araneae and belong to their own phylogenetic order. Many of them are also omnivorous and will eat fruits and plant material.

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