Working my way up to Pokies


Aug 4, 2017
I've learned a great deal from my P. irminia tbh, even though she's pretty calm she won't hesitate to use her speed if she feels the need to (which has resulted in her teleporting out of the enclosure). Literally the only thing I learned from keeping a P. cambridgei was how to pack an MM for shipping, he hid pretty much the entire time I had him :peeking:

Besides, both of my Pokies do exactly what you said the irminia does (bolting straight to their hides) :rofl:

P. pulcher are great though, I'll have to get myself a female after Banshee hooks out.
I'm pretty sure your house is Backwards Land for tarantulas though. :rofl:


Sep 24, 2015
I'm always curious hearing about the differences in behavior keepers report.

Makes me wonder if they are learning afterall.. spiders I raise from sling are frequently out. Even the ghosts like H maculata, or P irminia. While larger specimans and adults I buy tend to be very reclusive. Not saying I'm a spider whisperer, but I do tend to leave my spiders undisturbed for long periods of time. Can't say the same for others.

One spider I did mess with alot as a more intermediate keeper was my P muticus. Numerous rehousings thinking it was too damp, or something could be improved. It's the most reclusive tarantula I've ever owned. To this day, I've seen it out twice.


Feb 13, 2014
I will always advocate T.gigas as a good learning spider. Mine are quite bold as they are out constently and like to hang out in places that are inconvienent for cage maintenance. Once they get startled they will either run to a hide or run in circles(pokies also do this) around the container looking for an opening to get out. Not only are they considered the fastest tarantula in the hobby, they grow fast as well, males and females can mature by 1.5 years if kept warm and full. My adult P.metallica is pretty chill and will retreat if you just shine a flashlight on her as they can be very light sensitive, my big female T.gigas takes some poking and prodding to get her to move in comparison.