Thermostats - a gripe

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005

Check out these universal remote mount units. These units are rudimentary, adjustable and just throw a switch. Use for refrigeration, air conditioning, a replacement on your fridge, for a mat heater... you name it.
Johnstone Supply is a supplier of about 1/4 of the HVACR parts and controls sold in the US.
Now check the most common cheap one in that catalogue: L36-931 for $149.

The heat control on our convection oven when blorp a couple of months ago. I went to a local store and bought a generic high temp (more expensive) version of the L36-931 for 380 baht. Crammed it in, works fine though the dial indicates we bake cookies and make bread at 20'F.
380 baht=$12

Just what in the name of all that's unholy is going on with prices in the US?
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