Tail Docking and Ear Cropping

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Boxers: Ears and Tails

Boxers are my favorite dogs. I don't have one, but when I get a house and a yard, you better believe that I will get one.

Anyways, I've allways felt that dogs look stupid with their ears cropped -- no matter the species. But I've never actually seen a boxer with its tail intact. In fact, I've always tried to imagine what a boxer would look like with its tail, and I've always come to the conclusion that they would look kind of silly. So I've always just figured that when I get a boxer, that it will have its tail cropped.

Anyways, the other day I was at Petsmart and I actually saw a boxer that had its tail intact. That dog was everybit as gorgeous as any boxer that I've seen. Infact, I would even say that it had more of its puppy charm than a docked boxer. So now I've decided that when I get a boxer, that its tail will remain intact.



Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
Boxer = AWESOME dogs

Boxers are GREAT dogs, in every way. They are beautiful, playful, loyal and easy maintenance. I don't have one now, but I grew up with one. She was the BIGGEST love.
I personally totally agree with you on the ear-cropping and tail-docking issue. There's a boxer in my neighborhood who didn't have his ears and tail done, and you can NOT mistake that he's a boxer at all. I think they look much more natural that way, much cuter also. And instead of having just a little docked stubble wag at you, you get the "whip" effect..... :D SOOO cute.


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2003
Anyways, I've allways felt that dogs look stupid with their ears cropped -- no matter the species
I would agree as for the boxers but one I've seen the doberman with ears and tail intact ... I didn't recognize that was the doberman - it was just ridiculous and ugly.


Old Timer
Oct 26, 2003
If I recall in England, They do not allow ear-cropping. Or it is at least frowned on having done. I had a Great dane for years and I never had his ears cropped. Like a Boxer there is no mistaking the breed.


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
I think the rotties are even fine with tails...although ours is a rescue, and it was already done.

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
I have a min pin ( miniture pincscher) and I agree with walter dobermans are not as good looking with a long tail and uncropped ears. I spent $200 to get them done and am glad I did it. I had to wait till he was 12 weeks old but before they were done they out grew his heard and it looked funny. His tail was already done when I got him. I called a few places around and they tried to discourage me, but the same people wanted me to get his balls cut off? OOOOOUUUCH, Men know what I'm talking about. I think it is up to the individial, and should be their choice. Not trying to promote earcropping but aren't dogs with floppy ears more prone to ear infections? I am not sure but I have heard that. If I could get my pics small enough I would post a pic of my dog....... he is beautiful. I think it all depends on the breed of dog some can pass without it being done and look good, and some can't.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
dirtyduck said:
I called a few places around and they tried to discourage me, but the same people wanted me to get his balls cut off?

Well, neutering is not done just for the animal's looks. I don't like ear cropping/tail docking, I've seen dobermans with their ears intact, and they look just as good as the ones with the cropped ears. I don't like the pointy ear look, and I don't really see a point to chopping off body parts for appearance's sake. But that's just me.

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
It is all in what you like. But the vet told me that people that want a doberman and don't want their ears cropped or docked should just get a coon hound. I think that was the name he told me but this was almost 2yrs now. I think if people are responsible with their dog, they wouldn't have to worry about neutering their dog. I keep my dog in the house and I have only one dog, and always take him out side on a lease. I can see people pionts on not liking earcropping but that is their choice. If I could get my dogs earcropped I wouldn't have got a minpin, they just don't have the same look. ( my opinion)


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
Dirtyduck...you are right about dogs with floppy ears having more ear problems than those with cropped ears. I've got 2 Bernese Mountain Dogs (floppy ears) and my younger one (his ears are a bit too long) is prone to yeast infection in his ears. The appropriate diet took care of that problem, thank goodness.
Both my Berners are males and intact, (un-neutered) and neither one of them wander off or "roam" around.
My friend bought a Red Doberman, and she is STILL wrestling with one of the ears. They were cropped, but one ear keeps falling down, so she continues having to put on tape and styrofoam. The pup is 7 months by now, and I personally don't believe his one ear will EVER stand up. Unfortunately he's already got scarring from all the tape and styrofoam on the ear that she's still determined to keep up. :(

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
I think that if one doesn't like the way that one dog looks with its ears/tail intact, then that person should consider getting a different type of dog. There are SOOOO many different breeds out there, that I can't see why one would have to choose and then mutilate.



Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
dirtyduck said:
But the vet told me that people that want a doberman and don't want their ears cropped or docked should just get a coon hound.
Its wrong to say someone should get a different breed of dog just because they don't want to mutilate the animal. A doberman is a doberman, pointed ears or not. Dobies and coonhounds also have totally different personalities. I don't think I'd get along with a vet like that. I have my black lab neutered, and it really helped him, as far as staying around the house. The pet shop got some min pin puppies from a lady the other day....undocked and uncropped. They're the cutest things with the tail and normal ears.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
dirtyduck said:
I called a few places around and they tried to discourage me, but the same people wanted me to get his balls cut off? OOOOOUUUCH, Men know what I'm talking about.
No, real men don't, idiots who put their misplaced egos over animal welfare might. I will never even consider not neutering or spaying any animal that it's possible for if they have any sort of free reign. Tens of millions of dogs and cats are euthanised every year because people think their animal should remain intact, it's the heighth of selfishness as a pet owner. If you're not planning on breeding there is no reason whatsoever to leave an animal intact. From the p.o.v. of your male sympathy, would you rather spend your entire life happy and carefree or focused on something that gets your butt smacked and keeps other owners from letting their dogs play with you because you try and hump everything in sight? I absolutely detest people who leave their dogs intact and then have them out in the public areas off leash.

As for the original topic, same idea, different approach: mutilation without purpose is equally repugnant. Leave their ears alone and tail docking should be carefully considered.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
The points about ear infections being more prevelent in dogs with floppy ears is valid. Floppy ears are essesially a defect, a side effect of inbreeding that was done to develop pure breed dogs. Wild canines do not have this trait, nor do those breeds that are closer to the ansecestral stock. Even mixed breeds, after a few generations, lose the floppiness. Not that I'm saying it's something I would do, but I can't help playing the devils advocate from time to time. How is ear cropping any worse than the forced inbreeding that led to the floppy ears in the first place? In has led to way worse health problems in many purbed dogs.

I had a boxer (died last year at age 10, probably cancer) who wasn't clipped, ears, tail or testicles. If he had been mine as a puppy I would have had him nuetered, but he was an already 6 when he officially became mine and I didn't see any point in doing to him then, especially since I didn't allow him to roam free range anyway. Lest anyone accuse me of it being some sort of macho thing, I would have done the same it had been an unspayed female.

Before people get too bent out of shape over ear and tail docking, I think it needs to be said that all alterations we make on our pets are for our convienience. Although the unwanted pupies that must be euthanized is a very good reason to nueter a dog, most of us do it because the dog then becomes a better pet...stays home, less likley to fight with other dogs, and is less aggressive over all, and never having to deal with finding homes for puppies. Nothing at all wrong with that, I wholeheartedly support spaying and nuetering of pets. Although I don't really see the point in ear and tail docking (other than the ear infection thing), I can't say it "disgusts" me either. Considering the amount of REAL animal cruelty going on out there, an otherwise attentive and loving owner who decides to crop or dock his or her dog doesn't bother me a bit.



Old Timer
Mar 20, 2004
Code Monkey said:
No, real men don't, idiots who put their misplaced egos over animal welfare might. I will never even consider not neutering or spaying any animal that it's possible for if they have any sort of free reign. Tens of millions of dogs and cats are euthanised every year because people think their animal should remain intact, it's the heighth of selfishness as a pet owner. If you're not planning on breeding there is no reason whatsoever to leave an animal intact. From the p.o.v. of your male sympathy, would you rather spend your entire life happy and carefree or focused on something that gets your butt smacked and keeps other owners from letting their dogs play with you because you try and hump everything in sight? I absolutely detest people who leave their dogs intact and then have them out in the public areas off leash.
OUCH - CM - that was pretty harsh.....at least for some people. :eek: I am not a selfish person, yet decided to keep BOTH my males intact, and there were good reasons. My 7-year old was meant for show/breeding, however, he developed unforseen, critical illnesses, and due to his reactions to "anaestesia" (he flat-lined in the last attempt to do surgery), the vet and I both decided it was best to leave him intact.
As for my nearly 2 year old Berner, his upcoming hip and elboy x-rays will decide his "manlyhood"... :D
I do want to stress though that both of my dogs get along fabulously, there is absolutey NO male agression, they are both obedience-trained, and they are both therapy-certified.
Having volunteered in shelters, I absolutely agree with the spay and neuter urgencies. Unfortunately there are too many irresponsibly pet owners out there that contribute to such miseries.
I thought you all might find it interesting to know that in Germany spaying and neutering is NOT as common as practice as it is here in the US. Also, I believe (have to double-check with familiy though) that ear-cropping and tail-docking has become illegal in Germany, and those who wish to have it done, take their dogs across the boarder, like Holland, for example. <--this info is as per my niece/nephew

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
wade I agree with you, and yes my minpin is purebred and I am planning on breeding him, so he needs his tools. Actually I might get my tools cut off because there are so many unwanted children out there. Lets all stop having kids and adopt all the kids in the worldwhoneed homes. Believe it or not I wouldn't do anything to my dog that I wouldn't do to my self. and yes I have had one of my ears cropped, I had a double lope so I had one cut off. I agree with wade about worring about the real animal cruelty that is out there, also instead of buying a pure breed, go to the pound and give a dog a second lease on life. I tried that but I can only have a dog that is under 15lbs were I live and they didn't have any dogs that fit that size at the time I was looking for a dog. socrates I had a friend who had trouble with his dobermans ears one not standing, minpin's have a shorter crop so I think that makes it a little easier. I think my friend took the dog back about 4 times before it stood up.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
yes my minpin is purebred and I am planning on breeding him, so he needs his tools.
Has he been shown and proven worthy of breeding? Has he been tested and cleared of genetic defects? If not, he should not be bred. Period. The only reason for breeding a dog is for the betterment of the breed.


Old Timer
Oct 26, 2003
My old great dane came from well papered parents. He was a black. However, his color wasn't up to the high standards that would have put him into a show dog status. He had a number of white patches on his legs and paws. This was my reason to have Wizard neutered. He was such a fantastic dog that out lived the other 8 pups by a year or two.


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2003
I think its all personal preference, but I just couldn't put my dobie through the ear cropping. Her tail was already docked when I got her. Everyone seems to know exactly what she is or maybe its that dobie attitude they recognize. The only thing that bothers me is that her uncropped ears make her nose look huge. Of course ears cropped or not, you still love them the same.
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