Sting Report ?/.


Jun 14, 2017
I’m unsure if the Sting Report forum is closed or if this post is allowed here, since I can’t post under the Sting Report forum, but I have a report.

This is my sting report for Centruroides nigrescens.

The scorpion that stung me doesn’t seem to have any LD50, sting reports, or other data that would suggests what its potency might be. This is why I feel compelled to share. This was my first and hopefully last sting. I blame myself and as the incident description will show, I wasn’t being wreckless and thought I wasn’t reasonable careful, but being stung means I wasn’t careful enough. Here’s what went down.

I was feeding it and had the cup in my hand. It was way down at the bottom and near the substrate. I keep this species in a tall deli cup, the size fruit flies come in. The scorpion was calm and it’s legs tucked against its body, laying flat, with its head down. It was a specimen about as long as an index finger.
The cricket hopped out and when I bent down to get it, the scorpion somehow climbed to the rim of the cup it was in, in the split second I had my eyes off the cup and zapped my knee.I guess it sensed the cup “falling” when I was bending down and bolted upwards. It was literally an eye blink that it all happened in.
The pain was like a bee sting, that started to throb slightly, and feel more like a whack from a hammer, though not as severe as that sounds. The pain, over about 30mins from the initial event, disappeared into a tingling, electrical, sort is sensation. There was some minor swelling, tightness in the joint, and a nice welp. The welp was gone within 2 hours and there were no lingering symptoms the next day. The pain was gone before the welp was and there were no other systemic reactions.
I took a Benadryl just because.

Lesson learned, they are going into 5 gallon tanks, so I can keep them away from the rim of the lid.

I keep my collection in a growing tent, that zips shut and can be locked, so my scorpions can’t escape, if ever they get out of their containers or I drop a cup while feeding.....whatever may happen. It contains the heat and feeders well, too.

