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Scolopendra polymorpha


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
While on a colecting trip in Arizona, I decided that I needed to transfer a S. polymorpha that I had collected to a smaller container. Well, in the process, the pede managed to latch onto a finger tip. Involuntarily, I shook my hand and the pede came off. Fortunately, I was working over a sink in the hotel room and the pede was unharmed didn't escape. I had no reaction beyond the phisical pain of the bite. Possibly a dry bite.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I got bitten while handling.Go figure =P

for a full report (with lots of pics) see this post:


five days after being bit, my hand has swelled up again... i'm *pretty* sure i was envenomated :)

most amusing, the spot where i was bitten for only a couple seconds by the same individual as this report is about also swelled up....
*AND* the spot where a tiny 1" (2.5cm) 2i baby bit me ALSO itched and turned red... and that spot is a week older than the other two bites and never bothered me before!

i suspect with all the chewing the centipede drove venom into my interstitial spaces in addition to mainlining some :)
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I got bitten while handling.Go figure =P

for a full report (with lots of pics) see this post:


five days after being bit, my hand has swelled up again... i'm *pretty* sure i was envenomated :)

most amusing, the spot where i was bitten for only a couple seconds by the same individual as this report is about also swelled up....
*AND* the spot where a tiny 1" (2.5cm) 2i baby bit me ALSO itched and turned red... and that spot is a week older than the other two bites and never bothered me before!

i suspect with all the chewing the centipede drove venom into my interstitial spaces in addition to mainlining some :)

welp... i have probably been bitten (dry and otherwise) over 100 times (probably more like 200+... but who is counting?) over the last two years or so by this species now. most recently i was bitten by a ~3"BL captive hatched individual. it was feeding time and the centipede managed to get out of its container and onto my hand. when i tried to grab it with my other hand to put it back home it latched on with its fangs. it ended up biting me 4 times with a total of maybe 2 seconds of fang time. these didn't exactly strike me as full defensive bites as the only time it bit was when i was lifting it off my skin. local swelling set in within an hour or two at most. i don't believe i have ever felt any venom pain from polymorpha bites... and i sure didn't this time, either. virtually all bites cause at least some local swelling and with larger doses of venom the swelling starts to virge into non-local land. i don't believe i have noticed any lymph node swelling but will try to specifically check for it next time. the local swelling lasted until i went to bed, approximately 6h after i got bit. swelling was gone and just a little redness remained when i woke up the next day. redness gone by that night.

i have not really noticed any trends as far as my reaction to the polymorpha venom. larger centipedes biting me with more fangtime generally leads to more severe local swelling of increased duration. no centipede has had as much fangtime as that first bite and no polymorpha bite has provoked as amusing (and durative) a reaction.

look for a special halloween bite report when i use polymorpha venom to help me transform into.... .HELLBOY!!!!

lol, i just noticed the timestamp from that first report. it really *has* been two years that i have tested venom on myself. i figure i have been bitten/stung/fanged/otherwise envenomated 300-400 times between something like 20-30 species of tarantula (1sp 1bite), scorpions (~10sp 100-150stings), and centipedes (10-20sp 200-300tags).

i am alive, continue to thrive, and still talk my jive =P

i guess i did actually know what i was talking about and all my detractors learned a valuable lesson.... i am a pracking genius ;)


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
Well Im 15 and yes guys I got bite. My female 7 inch female tagged me when I was handling her.:rolleyes: About 5 mins after being bitten my hand swollen and was sensitive pain was starting to increase. This lasted for several hours. This is for everyone, Do not handle centipedes that goes for any type of pede non-aggrasive or aggrasive all pedes have there personalitys If you want to handle your pede go for it, but be warned your handling something that is venomous.
