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Psalmopoeus cambridgei


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2007
I was bitten by a 4" Psalmopoeus cambridgei about a month ago. I had escaped when I was switching containers. I had an eye on it when it ran, turned my head to grab a cup to catch it. And it was gone. I looked everywhere couldn't find it. The next day I put on my shoe and it felt like a nail had gone into my toe. I took off the shoe and out he ran. I caught him and squeezed my toe. The pain was really intense for about 90 minutes but never spread past my toes. After about 90 minutes the pain subsided and was replaced by a numbness across all the toes on that foot. The numbness lasted about 2 hours and the toe itself felt bruised for about one week. And that's the whole story


Mar 15, 2010
I was bitten by a 5 inch female while replacing a branch in her enclosure.
I brushed the tip of one of her legs and she was on me immediately. She sunk both fangs into the tip of my right ring finger and then released and went into threat posture.
I removed my hand, a bit dazed and the speed of her, and examined my finger. I had not fealt any initial pains, but gradually I could sense the length of my ring finger begin to tingle like being put into hot water. This tingling, hot feeling spread across my whole hand over the next hour and a half or so, and the bite site remained sensitive to the touch, but faded by the end of the day. This left my finger numb for another two days.