Poecilotheria metallica doesn't hide


Dec 18, 2018
My P metallica is constantly out and about, and pretty unbothered by movement/my company. All of the other pokies will run and hide when I come into the office but the metallica just continues to wander around out in the open, totally unconcerned.

However she is also the one who refuses to go into her hide when I'm watering/doing maintenance, and instead prefers to throw a little 2" threat posture at me.

Not sure if I'm looking forward to dealing with her attitude when she's fully grown!

My regalis and fasciata are kinda high strung but I see them out on a daily basis.

The Poecilotheria striata is by far the most reclusive of all of my pokies. I seriously NEVER see it, and if I happen to catch it out of its hide it goes into a full-on panic until it gets back behind the cork bark. It rivals my Psalmopoeus irminia sling for most reclusive of the entire collection!