Poecilotheria metallica Advice


Oct 25, 2018
That is not what you said here.

The reputation of a species is generally acrewed by the common experiences keepers of said species have with it, but it'd be rather prudent to assume that your T will follow that species guideline to a.... 'T'. :troll:

Jokes aside, every tarantula is an individual, so it's not unheard of by any stretch of the means for one to act differently from the way most of the species is said to. Just ask @The Grym Reaper about his hoard of oddballs.

Those can definitely play a factor in a tarantula's behavior. A T that is given inadequate housing may feel unsafe and be more prone to bolting, flicking hairs, or posturing, and the same goes for a tarantula being harassed on the regular by its keeper. But again, there are just some individuals out there more defensive or placid in nature. I keep all three of my G. pulchra slings the same way, and all three exhibit different behaviors from one another. One of them is the classic pulchra - out all of the time and seemingly unphased by anything, crawling out to see what's going on when I'm opening the lid of the enclosure. One of them is a little more skittish, but will settle down after a moment. And the third bolts around like a squirrel on crack, hiding and running and hiding again even after I've stopped touching the enclosure. Sometimes, Ts are just weirdos, and it's something EVERYONE should keep in mind. That's why I always cringe when I see someone who says "oh hey person new to the hobby don't worry about all of these people warning you away from getting an OW as your first T/before you're ready they're all just scare-mongering I have the T you're wanting and mine is a complete doll :):):)".

Either they have an exception to the rule, or they cannot guarantee that the newbie will have one that is as laid back as theirs. This is nearly inconsequential if it happens with a NW species, but with an OW that's capable of bringing a healthy full grown man to screaming and tears in literally less than a second? Not so much.

Perhaps you meant something entirely different by this, but Ts don't have Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. When slings are together, some of them grow faster and others grow slower, which causes a power disparity between them on how easily they can take down prey and how much. It's hardly that one is "considered an Alpha" in the sac, the larger siblings are just stronger. This also has no baring on how they'll act when kept individually.

Research being a necessity was never subject to question. There are way too many posts that say "Hey I just got (insert T) can ya'll tell me how to take care of it???" and they pop up on the forum on a near daily basis. What IS important is that you have some relative experience that can adequately prepare you for the tarantulas you're looking to get. I would not recommend someone who only owns NW terrestrials get a Poeci as their first arboreal, since the behaviors and reactions/reflexes between arboreal and terrestrial are different enough in itself, and the risk is amplified when taking into account the general speed, defensiveness, and venom potency of OW Ts. You seem to have been made aware of this with your M. balfouri, just how nasty these guys can be. I could give more examples, but this post has rambled on enough, so let's wrap it up.

Again, that was not the conclusion I and apparently several others made from your initial post, where you stated that as long as they did a LOT of research they won't have issues. If that is not what you meant, then perhaps that is not what you should have said. For your sake, though, I'll just chalk it up to an oversight in your wording since it seems based on the post I'm responding to that we're now on the same page. ;)
You didn’t quote what I was saying at all, you said something bout having problems, and was saying you could do all the research you want and still run into problems. You need to have both, I tried to clarify many times that I MYSELF RESEARCHES EVERY SPECIES BEFOREHAND, ME NOT YOU OR HER OR HIM, I DO... I don’t ever ask anyone anything about HOW TO’s with any T why?
Because I researched the husbandry or studied that species of whatever genus before buying it, acquiring it.
About you saying that the Noob will have something laid back or not... that is the unpredictability of it of keeping T’s...
Research does not prepare you for a super chill laid back spider nor does it prepare you for a super Aggressive one. Even if research tells you it will be aggressive, you will be knowing it to be but you will not know what to expect once you are doing it as a beginner... only once you get that Hands on like I was stating as well almost every time just didn’t clarify was more spelling it out, Then said Noob will have the bigger idea of what to expect. Say during feeding/watering, maintenance, rehousing etc. just because you have lots of experience you won’t necessarily know how the Temperament will be until you’ve had that particular animal in your care for awhile. Like many said about mine somewhat aggressive somewhat defensive. Or aggressive, defensive, fast good eater and always hiding. Research on my spiders says that husbandry I have for them is top, everything else they said for my some of my OW’s some of my NW’s
Is completely inaccurate, i found that out by keeping them of course... I could handle my Pulchripes or my Chromatopelma for instance, i will not nor have I thought about it, because I respect that animal, and wouldn’t want to injure it by a mistake I made, or even stress it out.
I could handle either of them, many others
I enjoy them inside their respective enclosures... anyhow like I was saying just because someone says this how they do things for T’s or whatever animals doesn’t mean this is how you will do things because each animal is different or unique from another. Except that you will have an idea on how to keep them and how maybe they’re going to be when you receive it.
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
For my first Poec, also a P metallica sling, I set up an AMAC box with a good piece of cork with room behind it to hide and water dish and added a feeding port on the backside. I feed through the port and watered through it with a syringe. The enclosure is never open more than the size of a bottle cap unless I need to really clean up. It’s actually almost time to rehouse!

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It certainly pays to be careful. I do think you and your friend will realize rather quickly though that they aren’t hard to care for as long as you respect it.
Never tried inverted with Poki, only Avics

Pro/cons with inverted?