Pink toe stays on the ground!!

Sniper wolf

Aug 15, 2021
So I had to clean my avics cage about 2 weeks ago... when I first put her back in she went for the top and stayed there. Then I woke up the next morning and she was on the ground! I've never seen her do this before. She has been down there for 2 weeks! And not to mention she hasn't eaten anything in a month! Here is a pic of her enclosure and my taratula. Anybody else deal with this before? P.s. I brought her water bowl down to where she is. It would usually sit up top where so used to be lol.



Jun 26, 2019
After I rehoused my versicolor sling/juvie, it started to show similar behaviour. It would suddenly stick in this corner at the bottom of the enclosure. After a few days of this, I became slightly worried. I figured, maybe she is dehydrated. So I sprayed one of the sides next to where she was sitting. Almost right away she started scaling that wall, drinking up the droplets. After this, I never saw her at the bottom corner again, and she eventually discovered her water dish.
You can try that as well.


May 25, 2021
A. avicularia seem to be a thirsty bunch (even when correct RH is observed) so i am curious if this would driving the behavior (the water dish being on the ground rather the elevated) - at the same time however in my A. avicularia enclosure the water dish is ground level and i NEVER see my specimen on the ground (even when feeders are present)

i’d say give them time or trying switching up the anchor points (eg: cork bark, sticks, logs, etc)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
So I had to clean my avics cage about 2 weeks ago... when I first put her back in she went for the top and stayed there. Then I woke up the next morning and she was on the ground! I've never seen her do this before. She has been down there for 2 weeks! And not to mention she hasn't eaten anything in a month! Here is a pic of her enclosure and my taratula. Anybody else deal with this before? P.s. I brought her water bowl down to where she is. It would usually sit up top where so used to be lol.
Deal? There’s nothing to do but observe.

They aren’t programmed robots 😉

Sniper wolf

Aug 15, 2021
Maybe I'm just over thinking it... I just found it very odd that she's doing this... I only moved her water bowl at the bottom bc thats where she is hanging out and I wanted her to know it's there. I haven't seen her drink or eat in a while plus she's just chillin on the ground and that is concerning to me. I've been thinking all month long that maybe she is in premolt. But the molt hasn't happened yet. But that's for your all advice ill give each one a shot 🙂