picky Emperor only eats pinks


Old Timer
Aug 6, 2003
I've had no luck getting my 6" male Emperor to eat since I brought him home 3 weeks ago. Too cold & dry for first two weeks, but I'm getting the habitat close to ideal now. Still, he turned up his, err, nose at every crick and mealworm I offered, and every which way. The other night I put a small pinky outside the hide he was in. Don't want to be feeding him pinks, but I thought because of their immobility and the fact that he hadn't eaten in three weeks it was worth a try. Pink was still there after a few hours, but I couldn't find it the next morning. Assumed it was eaten but who knows. Three days later I tried another crick with no luck. Last night I put another pink outside his hide and it was gone quickly. Didn't see him take it but I did see him chowing on it under the hide. Great, my scorp only wants filet mignon LOL. Glad he's eating but...this was not the plan. Does anyone else have Emps that prefer certain prey but refuse other types? Hopefully I can convert him to bugs.
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Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
my asian forests seem to be like your emp. they only eat pinkies. they wont take crickets, wax worms, or moths. but when i put a pinkie at the entrance to their den its gone the next morning. maybe once you have flesh, you never go back.;P


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
I've had a few like that over the years, but they refused crix and any form of insect I offered as well as pinie mice. Would only take small lizards!! One of the pet stores I worked in, most of the reptile guys agreed that the average emperor scorp we got in would refuse crix. I dunno why, but I'd like more advice on it myself.