Painful-to-watch Comedy

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Out on the porch a little orb weaver endeavors to build it's web of the day between the phone wire and porch railing.
Meanwhile up on the wire a couple of squirrels romp back and forth, making the wire bounce and jiggle.
:hungry: + :D = :arghh:

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
It is sitting in the center of it's web this morning... a tiny fragment of an orb and three guy lines. Probably dreaming of reincarnating as a gigantic mutant Nephila that eats squirrels.


Aug 13, 2017
poor guy Dx (or girl as the case might be). As far as funny stuff goes though, this morning my pet p. audax, Charlotte, was sitting in her little web home. I give her water through a syringe typically, so like any other morning i place a drop of water right at the entrance of her web home where shes peeking out of. What does she do? She looks at the water drop, turns her head up and looks at me, then promptly grabs the top of her web entrance and pulls it down :| My pet spider more or less just slammed a door in my face like i was an annoying door to door salesman ;< I cracked up at the time, but now i feel kinda insulted lol

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
The little spork has managed to build a full orb web. I noticed something in teresting. It detected a gnat caught on a sticky line. It thumped or twanged the web several times which got the gnat further stuck. The reason for this was obvious as it strolled on over for it's meal: it isn't able to negotiate the web very well at speed. Just bumbled along, relying on stickyness assist. Nifty.