P. otiosus made an egg sack! Advice?


Jan 27, 2018
Hi all! I'm new to the forums but not new to loving spiders. I'm particularly interested in jumping spiders, and Phidippus otiosus is my favorite local jumper. (I live in NC)

I was really excited to find this girl chillin in a gas pump of all places! She was missing several legs and winter was about to really set in, so I took pity on her and brought her home to a cozy enclosure.

It's been a few months and she has just been happily snapping up crickets and chilling in there. But today I noticed something unusual:

She's never made a web like this, so presumably she's either:
a) about to molt, which seems unlikely since she looks full-grown,
b) about to lay eggs?

I would love to care for some of her babies and release the rest, assuming the latter. But I have never cared for spiderlings and I'm unsure how to make suitable enclosures for them. Presumably the egg sack itself is too delicate to move, but spiderlings will definitely be able to escape the current enclosure.

Should I remove this lid and put it in a more sealed enclosure until they hatch? And about how long should that take? Will she need to be fed in the meantime, or will she stay put until she dies?

And most importantly, what is the best and most cost effective way to make enclosures for the little ones? Thanks in advance!

The wolf

May 6, 2017
That does look like an eggsac you could either separate her and her eggsac which is the easiest way to go or as you previously said put the enclosure in another sealed one then you can use deli pots,spiderling pots or any number of similarly sized enclosures I would say release most and keep only a few your going to need to get a flightless fruit fly colony


Dec 4, 2016
That’s a cool story. I hope it’s an egg sack.